We engage clients in “adventurous” processes which facilitate KNOWING and BEING oneself fully at the Soul level, empowering the Soul’s trek over time. These processes permit deep transformation and include psychology, astrology, regression therapy, ancestral memory and spirit release, as well as shamanic, psychic, energy healing, herbal and other supporting methods.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”  — C.G. Jung

Who We Work With

People who are successful in many life areas but who have experienced chronic BLOCKS in others, which have been intractable to traditional therapeutic methods and/or “all the things I’ve tried but haven’t worked.”

Individuals who want to KNOW and understand themselves at the deepest level (Soul!), including their purpose, plan, talents and growth challenges, so that they can BE themselves fully, freely, joyfully!

Common, universal problems involved with:

  • Public Speaking
  • Weight Management
  • Love and Relationships
  • Health and Physical Well-Being
  • Work Success
  • Financial Peace of Mind
  • Travel Ease
  • Creative Self-Expression
  • Happy Inner Child
  • Freedom from Anxiety, Fear, Depression
  • Self-Worth
  • Soul Purpose and Plan

Key Services

Astrological Readings and Counseling

Astrological Readings and Counseling

Transpersonal (psychological and spiritual) and Evolutionary approach to interpreting and working with your natal birth chart as the map of your Soul’s plan for this life, including your purpose, mission, gifts, challenges and karma. Know your Self at the deepest level!

Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy

Using Deep Memory Process (Woolger Method), to help your psyche release and transform deeply stored yet currently active traumatic memories and imprints from both past and present lives of your Soul Release and free your Self of chronic blocks so that you can BE your truest, deepest Self and live with freedom, love, joy and inner peace!

Psychological Counseling

Psychological Counseling

Bringing over 40 years of experience as Individual (Jungian approach) and Organizational Psychologist (incl. Organizational Development, Change, Transformation) to help clients understand and transform themselves as psychological beings, as arising from your essential, Soul nature. Move from the “Shadow” to conscious, Self-awareness!

Ancestral Memory and Spirit Release

Ancestral Memory and Spirit Release

Helping your psyche and Soul to recognize and release the attachments of our Ancestors (and other random souls) as their “unfinished business” has sought resolution through your Soul’s journey. Become free of their blocks and agendas so that you can address and fulfil your own!

Organizational Change and Development

Organizational Change and Development

Through our sister company, Third Eye Consulting, with 40 years of experience, providing consulting, training and facilitation to organizations and groups (of Souls!) as you seek to achieve your collective VIsion, Mission and plans.

Founder, Devorah Tracey Nye

  • Educated at University of Chicago and University of Michigan; multiple degrees in Psychology
  • Over 45 years as Organizational Development and Change Consultant with Corporations, Non-Profits
  • Over 40 years Coaching and Counseling Individuals Using Traditional Psychological and Wholistic Methods
  • Over 35 years as Practicing Astrologer
  • Training in Reiki, Psychic Awareness, Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy, Shamanism, Homeopathic and Herbal Healing

What’s Happening?

News In The Universe

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.

Client Breakthroughs

  • The regression session we had last year has been very helpful. It provided the healing I needed as my mother passed away only a few weeks later. I am so thankful for the healing!

  • As a result of just a few sessions with Devorah, I have had more breakthroughs than I could have imagined. Having done various types of therapies in the past, many of which were good, I’ve been surprised by the effectiveness and immediacy of the results from each session…..

  • My 'Why, why, why?' has transformed into 'Count me in. Let's do it!' …… I can't thank you enough for helping me through that particularly heavy drama-trauma.

  • It's very freeing. I don't wake up every morning fearing and fretting about what I will eat. In that area life has taken on a certain calmness.

  • The information and discussions provided me with a road map to assist me at this present time in this journey of my soul and in future journeys. I went away with a new understanding leading to feelings of relief which I wasn’t able to experience using other modalities prior to working with Devorah.

  • Thank you so much for the workshop at OLLI on Friday. New knowledge I gained has initiated a transformation in perception and relationship that is amazing and helpful. Even my husband has noticed a positive difference in me.

  • I have spent so much time in therapy and struggling with my challenges, it really feels like you have the key that will allow me to be able to put all the parts together, set my compass and be tracking right on a laser course for the first time in my life….This is definitely the beginning of a new and exciting journey!

  • Thank you so much for your help with me in the regression we did last month. It took a great deal of skill to break through my shut-down pain avoidance.

  • The other time we did an astrological reading, it truly changed my life.
